Author Topic: Hittites  (Read 1584 times)

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Offline Colwyn

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« on: April 24, 2016, 16:19:03 PM »
In human history civilizations rise and fall and some leave little trace behind them. Of these I find one of the most mysterious is that at the "Hittites" who, at the peak of their power, controlled most of modern-day Anatolia, Syria and Lebanon. Their capital was Hatusa - about 120 miles east of modern-day Ankara - and they ran a huge but reclusive empire between about 2000 and 1200 BC. They spoke a language that is dissimilar to the lands around them; nobody knows where they came from; they weren't even called Hittites (they got labelled that because early historians mixed them up with the Biblical tribes of that name). The first archaeological evidence of their existence wasn't discovered until the middle of the nineteenth century. A documentary I saw three or four years ago portrayed their society as highly militaristic and frugally harsh - a sort of cross between ancient Sparta and modern North Korea - where male children were raised to prepare them for military duty and the womenfolk had a duty to be their servants. The archaeological excavations at Hatusa showed it to be a huge mountain walled fortress in Central Anatolia. At the height of their power they fought and defeated the mighty Rameses II, Pharaoh of the great Egyptian Empire, and (previously) the greatest power on the planet {NOTE: the outcome of the final battle is disputed by historians, but it is agreed the Hittites were on top even if Rameses II wasn'r immediately dismissed to Egypt}. Then they seem to have gone back to their mountain fortress and lost interest in worldly matters. Perhaps their greatest right to historical note is that that the are the first military power known to have signed a peace treaty with a defeated nation/people/tribe. Something well worth remembering about them.

Offline KKOB

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Re: Hittites
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2016, 17:29:33 PM »
There's more about the Hittites in articles about the Abu Simbel Temples in Egypt.

There's also a piece about Rameses The Great and the Hittites on the Quest Channel in a programme called Egypt's Top 10 Mysteries. (Which I'm watching right now. )

Offline wickwilly

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Re: Hittites
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2016, 20:19:51 PM »
I had the pleasure of visiting the archaeological sites at and around Hatusa a couple of years ago.. It certainly covers a vast area on the hillside. They are still unearthing new sites around the area , too. Its well worth a visit.

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