Author Topic: Friday nights coup was a complete success.  (Read 6435 times)

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Offline JohnF

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Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« on: July 18, 2016, 19:55:04 PM »
Yes, the coup on Friday was 100% successful and what's more, the individuals ultimately behind it managed to carry it out with the full backing of the people.

This wasn't an attempted military coup, nor was it orchestrated from Pennsylvania - if it had been either of those two it'd been far more bloody and the likelihood is that Turkey would have been a very different place on Saturday morning.  The members of the military who attempted a takeover on Friday night were, in my opinion, sacrificial lambs thrown on the altar of one mans ruthless ambition to rule Turkey in a manner not dissimilar to an Ottoman sultan. 

The government and MIT have actually had to concede that were fully aware of what was happening, but are now saying the timing was supposed to be 3am but was brought forward in a rushed manner because the "plotters" became aware their plans were known.  Well bugger me, we heard rumours about it on Friday afternoon and we're not even in Turkey just now!

The so called "plotters" even totally ignored the basic building blocks required to carry out a coup in this modern age - they were unable to gain total control of the media, they were unable to secure into custody the current regime and most significantly, the organisation carrying out the action (the military) did not have full support within its own organisation. 

And do you know what... little reginald has now managed to obtain himself a mandate, from "the people" no less, to do exactly as he fecking well wants.  The purges have started and we're now well into five figures with the number of folks suspended from positions or arrested.  As my OH said, "isn't this just so like the Reichstag fire in 1933?".  She wasn't overly impressed when I asked her if she'd been a witness to that   :)

There are suggestions from various quarters that the lists of those to be purged were prepared well in advance - bloody well looks like it and funnily enough, that's what the Nazi's had prepared in 1933...

Someone mentioned the "separation of power" in Turkey on another thread.  This used to be the case, and one of the largest and most powerful of the "checks" (as in Nicola's "checks and balances" ) was the military.  That has now been neutered and the impartiality of the judicial system is now verging on being non-existent.  What we're left with is a country ruled by one man - and we all know what that called.

What is most concerning is the phrase I've heard several times since Saturday morning, and most recently by someone who I judge to be both politically astute and a down right clever bugger, and that is "civil war is a possibility".  That concerns me, and I'm most certainly not a conspiracy theorist, or a scaremonger.  Unfortunately, a guy called Fuat Avni (a pseudonym) has been leaking information about the government on Twitter for a few years now (and he's rarely wrong) has also suggested that something else is brewing.  Here's a translation of his latest tweets - read into it what you will:

I've wrote countless times that the Narcissist (Erdogan) will do whatever he can to stay president. He colluded with deep-state intelligence agents to stage a fake "nylon" coup.

Everyone must see how low this Narcissist can go. By the time the coup starters were encouraged with "let's go buddy (lion)" it was already over.

It was obviously a fake ("bloody"  ;) scenario when those F16s escorted the Narcissist back to Istanbul.

When F16s came up to the left and right of the plane, everyone in the plane freaked out in a panic, but Erdogan and his son-in-law were relaxed and grinning.

The F-16s that are so-called coupers weren't there for pillaging or destruction. They were there for escorting Narcissist's plane.

During the event, the Narcissist said "don't worry the live TV broadcasts will not be cut off." This was decided beforehand.

Narcissist angrily yelled at his son-in-law Berat, because he was grinning/smiling during a press conference in front of TV and cursed him out saying things like: "Son are you stupid?" among others.

The announcements from the mosques, ministers and president's freely talking everywhere, and the Narcissist's press conference were just part of this fake scenario.

After the coup was known by everyone, MIT (Intelligence) forwarded the list of alleged-coup-participants to the obedient media agents through email.

These lists, for quite some time were being exchanged in the halls of the "Wasteful presidential palace." Perhaps most of those names weren't even on duty that night.

Whether on duty or not, these people will be kicked out of Turkish Armed Forces for coup-plotting. In their place, Narcissist's deep-state puppet agents will be appointed.

Inside the MIT (National Intelligence Agency) and army, deep-state agents have actually tricked the Narcissist who thinks he's the biggest trickster.

Democracy-supporting people and dissidents will be made powerless. The very last and easiest task will be finishing off the Narcissist.

The Narcissist and his cronies are comfortably rubbing their hands. These cronies are acting as yes-men: "My President, My President".

When the game ends, neither the narcissist nor the suck-up cronies will be left.

I think the most interesting is his final Tweet. 

It does suggest - and remember, FA has very rarely been wrong with either his predictions or facts - that Friday night may now end up being part one of a longer game. 

If anyone wants references for any of the above, just say so - I can't be arsed posting god knows how many links.

Stay safe folks,


Offline kevin3

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2016, 21:04:00 PM »

  I wonder where Bilal is nowadays. and what he is dressed as.??     Still Arabic chic.?

Offline JohnF

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2016, 21:07:30 PM »
And I wonder if the international arrest warrant is still valid...


Fecking waster.


Offline JohnF

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2016, 10:36:15 AM »
The so called "plotters" even totally ignored the basic building blocks required to carry out a coup in this modern age - they were unable to gain total control of the media, they were unable to secure into custody the current regime and most significantly, the organisation carrying out the action (the military) did not have full support within its own organisation. 

Looks like the government cant even get its story right over this - now we hear, almost four days after the event, that two helicopters with 25 special forces personnel were en route to detain little reginald.  However, they've now disappeared and no one knows where they are.

So... they managed to know the whereabouts of 15,000 or so "plotters", or sympathisers, but have no idea where the 25 special forces and their helicopters are.

To paraphrase old William, something is rotten in the Republic of Turkey.


Offline kevin3

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2016, 20:08:20 PM »

  The two Turkish pilots that shot down the Russian jet have been arrested as being part of the coup.  Convenient sop to Putin. ??

  You couldn't make it up.

Offline kayakebab

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2016, 20:49:31 PM »
14 Naval ships missing too

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

Offline JohnF

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2016, 13:08:05 PM »
a guy called Fuat Avni (a pseudonym) has been leaking information about the government on Twitter for a few years now (and he's rarely wrong) has also suggested that something else is brewing. 

Quite a few media outlets suggesting that "Fuat Avni" has been identified and arrested, together with eight or nine of his colleagues.  Turns out the guy worked in the Prime Ministers office!  Now we know why his info was always spot on...


Offline Laura B

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 13:50:28 PM »
Fuat Avni has tweeted since his 'arrest' maybe they haven't got him.

Offline Colwyn

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2016, 14:14:59 PM »
Quite a few media outlets suggesting that "Fuat Avni" has been identified and arrested, together with eight or nine of his colleagues.  Turns out the guy worked in the Prime Ministers office!  Now we know why his info was always spot on...
Ah, now that RTE has installed his good chum (aka. sycophant) as PM the President is sharing info with him? That's novel.

Offline JohnF

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Re: Friday nights coup was a complete success.
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2016, 15:55:15 PM »
Fuat Avni has tweeted since his 'arrest' maybe they haven't got him.

Yes, similar syntax so maybe that's correct.  Who knows what to believe right now.


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