Author Topic: rare bird....RUDE  (Read 877 times)

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Offline mary62

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rare bird....RUDE
« on: October 28, 2017, 12:53:52 PM »
Three scientists went to the rainforest to study the rare foo bird. As they walked through the woods it swooped down and pooped on one of them. He brushed it off and fell down dead. As the shocked men tried to find out what was going on it swooped and pooped again. Again the scientist brushed it off and he immediately fell down dead. The third man ran for his life but the bird dive bombed him as he made it to the edge of the jungle. Petrified the third scientist stood still four hours. Finally he couldn’t take it and brushed the excrement from his coat and he too fell down dead.
If the foo sh1#s wear it

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