Author Topic: A guy goes to a pet store .....  (Read 969 times)

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A guy goes to a pet store .....
« on: December 26, 2017, 12:06:44 PM »
A guy goes to a pet store looking for a Christmas gift for his wife. He looks around for a while, but nothing is really hitting the spot. Finally a salesperson asks if they can help him find anything. After explaining the situation the attendant says "you should meet Chet, he's perfect for a Christmas gift!". The man is surprised to be shown a rather plain looking, unremarkable, parrot.

"What's so great about him?" he asks. "Watch this" says the salesperson who then takes out a lighter and holds it under the birds left foot. Suddenly Chet breaks out in song with a beautiful rendition of 'O Holy Night'. "Wow! That's amazing!" the man exclaims. "Oh, that's not it" says the salesperson as she moves the lighter under the birds other foot. Once again Chet starts singing, this time a fun 'Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer'. The man purchases the bird and rushes home to show his wife, repeating the same demonstration as the the salesperson.

A few days later the wife has a friend over, and decides to show off her new pet. She finds a lighter, introduces her friend to Chet, then lights the lighter and holds it between the birds legs. Chet starts off in song... "Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire..."

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