Author Topic: Burns Night Haggis Recipe  (Read 1079 times)

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Offline Dippey

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Burns Night Haggis Recipe
« on: January 20, 2006, 10:35:38 AM »
Don't want the Scots to miss out on this delighful delicascy, all ingredieants should be available in Turkey.:D:-

Cock-a-Leekie Soup 4-6 people
1 boiling fowl 2-3 lb
1 onion, quartered
1-2 lb (400-800 g) leeks, cut into inch long (2-3 cm) pieces, white and green kept separate
Stock from boiling fowl
1 bay leaf, some parsley
6-12 prunes soaked overnight (optional)
salt and pepper

Put the bird in a large pot and nearly cover with water, add the herbs and salt and slowly bring to the boil.  Skim, cover and simmer until tender, approx. 2 hours.  Remove the bird, and allow to cool slightly.  Meanwhile add the green part of the leeks to the stock and add the prunes and continue to simmer.  Cut the meat from the chicken into smallish pieces and return them to the soup, with the white part of the leeks.  Simmer for a further 10 mins.  Check the seasoning and serve.  Soup is generally better the next day, so if you have time , try and prepare in advance.

Main course -HAGGIS
1 sheep's lung (illegal in the U.S.; may be omitted if not available)
1 sheep's stomach
1 sheep heart
1 sheep liver
1/2 lb fresh suet (kidney leaf fat is preferred)
3/4 cup oatmeal (the ground type, NOT the Quaker Oats type!)
3 onions, finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup stock
Wash lungs and stomach well, rub with salt and rinse. Remove membranes and excess fat. Soak in cold salted water for several hours. Turn stomach inside out for stuffing.

Cover heart and liver with cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Chop heart and coarsely grate liver. Toast oatmeal in a skillet on top of the stove, stirring frequently, until golden. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Loosely pack mixture into stomach, about two-thirds full. Remember, oatmeal expands in cooking.

Press any air out of stomach and truss securely. Put into boiling water to cover. Simmer for 3 hours, uncovered, adding more water as needed to maintain water level. Prick stomach several times with a sharp needle when it begins to swell; this keeps the bag from bursting. Place on a hot platter, removing trussing strings. Serve with a spoon. Ceremoniously served with "neeps, tatties and nips" -- mashed turnips, mashed potatoes, nips of whiskey.

Pudding (yum yum)
Crannachan  4-6 People
3-4 ozs (75-100 g) toasted, sifted pinhead oatmeal
1/2 pint (250 ml) double cream
1 tablespoon whisky
4-6 ozs (120-140 g) soft fruit (raspberries, brambles, or Blueberries)  In winter, you can buy these frozen.

Half whip the cream - not too stiff, it should be fluffy but still soft, for the oatmeal will thicken it.  Add the whisky.  Fold in the sifted meal, then the fruit.  Serve in glasses.  

Recipes taken from Hope, A.  A Caledonian Feast Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh.

Dippz ;)

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