Author Topic: Catching Criminals in Calis  (Read 6229 times)

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Offline Twin Bee

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2009, 15:46:04 PM »
Keith I am saddened by your response to what is a legitmate question - i.e. is criminal activity in the Calis being punished and do the locals care about it.
You exercise a lot if influence on this site and quite rightly so - but don't rubbish a genuine concern.
Are you saying there are no burgularies being reported to the local police. Reports on CBF suggest many such burgularies are being reported. I have explained why certain 'low level' sexual crimes might not get reported but that does not mean they do not happen. Nor does it confirm that the wider community are not aware of the alledged increasing  criminal activity.  
How do you explain the increasing number of threads about burgulary - currently 3 I think are active. And what about the recent reported muggings at the local ATM's
Nothing happens in isolation and yes I do suspect more (Turkish) people know who might be doing these things and I suspect the local papers do not cover these stories in case people start to stay away. However if the number of peole continue to feel unsafe they will stay away regrdless.
Maybe Hoteliers are not the best people to ask - they are hardly likely to want to tell someone with your influence crime in Calis is bad. Ask apartment owners and a different picture may begin to emerge.
Perhaps you should do a poll asking is Calis less safe than 2008?  
As you know I have also urged on CBF that people who are victims of crime report these to the authorities but please be careful not to victimize these people further by giving the impression that there failure to report crime is the reason nothing is done about it and that it is their fault it continues!
Answer this question please "Is there more reports of crime now thanin prevoius years with a yes or a no!
I am still hoping someone will tell me someone has been caught, prosecuted and the punishment they received and that local people want to shame these individauls. Otherwise I (and others) could justifibaly feel that Turkish people do not care very much what is happening or just accept the increase in crime as inevitable.  

Offline loz

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2009, 16:06:38 PM »
Not everyone reports crime on CBF, the police are aware and DO get reports, whether they wish to tell "Joe Public" they have reports is their affair.

I had over 5 emails from friends last week holidaying or living in Calis, they either have been burgled or assaulted, no they did not report to CBF but did report to the police from Fethiye to Ciftlik.

Offline Scunner

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2009, 16:09:13 PM »
I'm rubbishing nothing Stuart. My point "in a nutshell" is that it is not the responsibility of hoteliers, locals or businessmen to know, disapprove of or seek to address reports of crime. It is up to the 'victim' to report it to the authorities to help remove any aggressor from the streets. In doing so they help prevent similar incidents happening to others in future too. I don't see that as victimising anyone in any way at all. This is what happens anywhere when a crime has been committed. If they won't report it where do you expect to find the solution? Gangs of disapproving locals who heard something third hand?

Ultimately it is not a major issue as it is not the Bronx as you have painted it - and the few crimes reported on here were not reported officially. Had they all been, the aggressors could have been taken off the streets a long time ago, who knows...

Offline Diverbaz 1

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2009, 16:09:15 PM »

Was there more reported crime on CBF, probably yes, number of genuine cases, unknown, most only hearsay or insurance claims.

Does that answer your question?

Offline hubblebubble

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2009, 17:21:25 PM »
Baz I feel your comment is incorrect. Crime has without doubt risen in the holiday areas. I now live in Dalyan and there is a major burglary issue here. Similarly Olu Denz was reporting problems earlier in the year. Here in Dalyan the Jandarma are vey well aware of the issue and indeed turned up at every house in my little street to take details and offer advice. I know there have been several attempts to gain entry to my property. Similarly with family and friends in Calis I am constantly hearing of break ins' attempted break ins and residents returning to find an intruder.
The only question really is WHY the sudden increase not that it is actually occuring. Is it softer sentencing/ the economic situation or that outsiders are deliberately targetting holiday towns?
Similarly I know of several women myself and on a seperate occasion my mother included who have been daft enought to accept a lift and then regretted it in Calis and have just counted themselves lucky to get away unharmed.

Offline Highlander

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2009, 17:32:12 PM »
May I ask you a few questions TB

Is crime in your area increasing
If so, do you care about that
What, practically, have you done to address the situation.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 18:33:28 PM by Highlander »

Offline kevin b

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2009, 17:39:57 PM »
Why should Hotel & Bar owners try to find out who the culprits are that is the Police's work.Would you expect your local business or corner shop to find out who burgaled your house in UK.
Yes the crime will maybe effect trade but at the end of the day if crime is not reported to the necessary authorities nothing will get done.
How can the police be expected to take measures to stop some crimes when they have not even been reported.

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2009, 18:48:34 PM »
I know it is not about Calis yet, but has anybody been reading the stories in Take a Break magazine about The Marmaris Rapist.  He has been arrested on numerous occasions for rape for a few years now and is still free.  He has been to court on numerous but set free to await trial he used this time to commit further atrocities and seems he has now moved to the lovely place of Ichmeller which is what Calis was 10 years ago.  Please do all we can to save Calis from people who commit the crimes including burglary, indecent assault, theft etc. etc etc.

Offline Scunner

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2009, 19:00:18 PM »
If no crimes were reported in the UK, the prisons would be empty and every offender would be free to escalate crime rates. If victims of rape never reported rapists, there would be no rapists in prison and many more people would become victims of rape because of this.

That would be intolerable in the UK, but here I read that to ask someone in Turkey to report criminal activity is "victimising" the victim. Something is wrong.

Offline hubblebubble

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Catching Criminals in Calis
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2009, 19:13:18 PM »
From a personal point of view of course I care.
Mum had a rug stolen off her porch that was waiting for the cleaners just the other day in Calis late at night and whilst not life threatening it is upsetting.

As we built from new we considered security in the hope it would make it easier for the rogues to go elsewhere.
We opted for non pvc windows with laminated glass. solar water at ground level rather than roof. alarm systems wired in. outside lighting all on from one switch in the bedroom.
It is something worth considering if you are building from new. No one wants to live in a fortress but a few thoughts at this stage can make a big difference.

if you dont have that luxury..
how about a broom handle wedging those pvc sliding patio doors.
Something noisy propped against the door before you go to bed so that if it is moved you will wake
Consider alarms and properly fitted bars.
secure your roof hatch if you have one
Change the locks on a new house = all and sundry have had those keys.
If you live alone get a personal alarm
Remember Nothing will stop a truly determined burglary but you can make it too much hassle for the chancer.
Nights double check everything is locked properly.
I let workmen know about my killer cockatoo lol make a fuss of putting her back in cage for their safety but DOGS the turks say are a great deterent.
Try to avoid saying where you live, giving just a general wave of "oh in that direction".

Yes crime has increased just a few years ago you could leave your purse in town and get it back intact.
The Police NEED to have those  reports then eventually the weight of pressure will force results. Perhaps each area should have a coordinator that will help file reports with the police for a nominal fee or a small group of people who are on call on a rota basis to assist. Tinkermans idea of coordinating data was a good one and this is being done via a questionnaire in Dalyan

I would like to see a special force targeting each of the affected holiday areas and catching the culprits to make an example of before tourism is irreversibly damaged.
Living next door to a holiday villa that was burgled this season I saw how it affected the family and no they will not be back.
Nowhere is Paradise but it is a shame that this particular snake seems to have entered our little facsimile thereof.

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